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Education & SEL

Education, schools and social and emotional learning have emerged as a leading area of focus for me over the last decade. From student recruitment, SEL resources for administrators, educators and families to continuing education spanning multiple sectors, the missional mindset in these spaces resonates deeply with me.


Principal Parry

A two-time South Dakota High School Principal of the Year nominee, Lisa Parry has been a South Dakota educator for 30 years. Her mission is to connect with those seeking positive ways to reframe and respond to challenges.  Lisa presents, writes, coaches, and mentors professionals seeking to establish and maintain a positive and healthy professional and personal life. Lisa presents, writes, coaches, and mentors professionals seeking to establish and maintain a positive, healthy professional and personal life. She leads a 2021 National Blue Ribbon School and a 2020 ESEA Distinguished School, and she is a co-developer and facilitator of the South Dakota Department of Education's Good to Great Teacher Mentoring Program. 

Region 21 Golden West

In the southwestern United States, Region 21 Golden West serves as a cornerstone to Sweet Adelines International, a worldwide organization that exists to advance the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education and performance. With 16 active choruses, Region 21 is known for vibrant, competitive choruses that boast the highest levels of musical excellence and dynamic, award-winning quartets. Region 21 represents choruses in New Mexico, Arizona, Southern California and Hawaii. The region hosts annual competitions for choruses and quartets, education events, workshops, coaching and  much more.

San Diego Chorus

The San Diego Chorus performs award-winning, 4-part a cappella harmony in the barbershop style. We are committed to local entertainment and international competition. Dedicated to musical excellence and education, the San Diego Chorus holds a multitude of regional championship titles. ​Led by Master Director Kathleen Hansen, each rehearsal is a lesson in vocal and performance skills. Along with musical development, this member-led organization offers many opportunities for leadership development and creative contribution in areas like communications, choreography, costume design, and show production.

HealthNet, TTUHSC

HealthNet was a division within the nationally ranked Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center that created and provided satellite-based continuing education serving rural hospitals and medical offices throughout the southwest United States. The accredited program was a pioneer in virtual learning, featuring leading medical professionals across a variety of specialties. Course completion allowed participants to earn required CEUs to maintain professional certifications. Programming was dynamic and shifted based on the priorities expressed by the medical customer base.


Conscious Discipline

Founded by award-winning educator, author and thought leader Dr. Becky Bailey, Conscious Discipline provides school administrators, teachers, mental health professionals and families with a wealth of trauma-informed social and emotional learning resources. Embraced in 101 countries and 25 languages, Conscious Discipline’s foundation of safety, connection and problem-solving is leading a revolution of the heart as concepts initially applied in the classroom extend to every facet of our lives. For almost 30 years, Conscious Discipline has fostered a fundamental shift in thinking that empowers adults and children to be the change they want to see in the world.

Urban Discovery Schools

Urban Discovery Schools are an internationally awarded T/K-12 public school system located in the heart of downtown San Diego, CA. Opened in 2008 as a quality neighborhood school, UDS has two urban campuses in San Diego's I.D.E.A. District and Education Corridor. Urban Discovery Academy serves grades T/K - 5th, 6th - 8th and 9th - 12th grades. The Urban Discovery difference lies in their design-thinking approach, which is hallmarked by developing students that are creative problem solvers, empathetic contributors, and active members of the academic community.


Global Gumbo

Global Gumbo engaged Nicknox Communications to lead identification of illustration and animation resources. In this capacity, Nicknox guided a selection process that involved guiding the creative development process that brought characters and secondary elements from concept to life as envisioned by three potential artists. Subsequently, Nicknox also helped develop program briefs, positioning and summaries to support the pitch process with PBS Kids.

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